Being There

In preparation for transition and closure, WAGPET wrote this e-book about delivering GP training and workforce (AGPT program) 2001-23 - no topic unaddressed, courageous, honest - lots of wonderful and painful memories, lessons we learned, and lessons yet to learn, especially about the kryptonite that must be addressed if we are ever to be serious about closing the gap for our Aboriginal and rural, remote, and disadvantaged outer urban communities.

This is our message stick to the funders and new custodians of GP RG training. We hope you enjoy it, and - like us - appreciate the magnificence, adaptability, generosity, and ingenuity of our communities and the profession that serves them.

Cheers, Janice.


We have produced two different resolution files – due to its size, the higher resolution file (144dpi) is not suitable for circulating via email.

WAGPET Being There_72dpi
WAGPET Being There_144dpi High Resolution


Adj Prof Janice Bell

Chief Executive Officer